"Our minds are the only limit to achieving the impossible."
"Our minds are the only limit to achieving the impossible."
"Our minds are the only limit to achieving the impossible."

Athlete's track record
• Artic Mission 77 days 3,000 kilometres, crossing the Northwest Passage solo. Loury completed the Artic expedition, progressing by ski-kite and cross-country skis, sometimes without sleeping on the pack ice, surrounded by bears and wolves.
• Resilience for 3 years Loury guided Martin Petit, a former sportsman turned quadriplegic, on 3 extreme expeditions.
• Uapapunan, accompanied by Mathieu Blanchard and Loury Lag, completed a 250-kilometre tour of the eye of Quebec. A real human and sporting adventure.
• Transatlantic, Loury made several crossings of the Atlantic by boat.